Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Almost another month gone

Where has August gone? I have been on holiday for the last 2 weeks, running my Vanessa to and from tennis as usual but she's doing really well in semi finals in both u12's and u14's, so fingers crossed for the rest of the week, although we could do with some better weather for me to sit and watch her rather than being huddled under an umberella.

Ashley should be out of plaster this week after suffering from a hairline fracture and chip to his left foot, feel sorry for him, as he has been on crutches for the last 3 weeks, at least he will be out of it before he goes back to school next week!

Just got a few days left before having to go back to reality next week, if only I could have more time off, but hey ho its back to work next week, but at least I've got a Bank Holiday weekend first.

Happy Bank Holiday everyone and hope to see some of you soon.
